the focus of all people who are on streets today should be that their job is best described as mind training squad. let me explain. the political system of our country has got in to some strong patterns. these patterns are layered on the psyche of political leadership with sole motive of winning elections and making money for themselves. yes i said it right. politics in india is business. big business. power over country's resources, all discretionary powers pertaining to all businesses at your disposal, so what do you expect to come out of it. if you had any other illusion about it, then best course for you will be to check your mental health. so all political parties are used to all these techniques mastered in last 65 years of our freedom, whereby their accountability comes to zero, except that they need to worry about getting re-elected after every five years. here they had studied the patterns of minimal residual memories of people of their misdeeds which affects their prospects. they know what people will forget and what they will not. what people remember they explain it away by way of expecting report of judicial inquiry or some committee or other. mostly re-election is easy unless they had imposed emergency or lost due to their in-fighting and not lasting their given time of mandate. again i do not understand how misrule for full term by any party can be termed as political stability. this is our level of tolerance.
apart of zero accountability they are also used to hiding behind many procedures of parliament's working. so you should not be surprised that they can pass the bill for raising the salaries of MP's in 2 & 1/2 hours flat and they need 42 years on all previous versions of bill and 4 months more to pass the current version of Jan Lokpal Bill. so now if you have to reverse all the effects of all these structured patterns of mind set of political class, you are required to do a serious surgical job. your tools will be to be on streets, maidans, on social network sites and wherever you are be stayed put. in india or abroad does not matter. for abroad it also doubles up as sending message of our strong vibrant democracy to local population.
now question is are you on job already? the answer is yes. are you getting results? again yes. the message has gone across. is job finished? not yet. but be stayed put for some more time. i know some time it hurts you to hold out like this. but this is supreme sacrifice we all have to put up. remember you are on most difficult mission on earth at present. mission is about changing the structured patterns of mind set of our political class. this is about reversing trends of almost 50 years ( i will give 15 years after independence of politicians of Mahatma Gandhi's era of more disciplined nature then the current lot) acquired mind set while hiding behind so many ills as stated earlier.
so you are on job. and results are being felt. but still the task is not finished till we insist to get Jan Lokpal Bill in this very session of parliament. why this very session? here in comes the mind training skills. these political class is required to be put on notice. please deliver as we request or quit. you are free to debate this bill to the best satisfaction by putting your best sense of legislation skills. but do not skirt / dodge / hide behind procedures. have clear intent and strong resolve to debate and pass the bill with necessary amendments.
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